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Abattant French term for "drop lid" or "fall front" as in an abattant secretary.
Acanthus Stylized carving of the acanthus leaf commonly used to decorate furniture.
Adam Brothers Robert 1728-1792 and James 1730-1794 were English architects, influenced by the excavations at Pompeii in the 18th century. Characteristics of their style are straight lines,mythological figures, delicate ornaments, classical symmetry, satinwood, marquetry, and inlay.
Agate A form of quartz mineral with a strongly banded composition in which each layer differs in color and translucency. Colors range from reds, browns and yellows to greens, bluish white and white. Used for making jewelry, cameos, and in decorative objets d'art.
Alabaster Generally translucent and white or grey in color, alabaster is a form of the mineral gypsum which can be polished to a smooth and waxy finish. Often used in sculpture, decorative stone panelling, beads, and cabochons.
Amboyna A type of wood native to Southeast Asia typically orange or reddish-brown with a curled and mottled grain. Used for veneers and furniture.
Amphora A large, two-handled earthenware vessel with a narrow neck and usually an ovoid body, originally used in Greece for the storage of grain. Later adopted as a Neoclassical decorative motif.
Andirons Functional supports of cast iron or brass used in open fireplaces to hold logs.
Anthemion motif The classically inspired anthemion, or honeysuckle motif, originated with Greek and Roman architecture and was used extensively on furnishings and decorative arts of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It is marked by a stylized flower design of scrolling or radiating form. Famous furniture makers and designers including Gillows of Lancaster, Thomas Sheraton and George Hepplewhite incorporated this motif in their furniture designs.
Antique A work of art, a piece of furniture or any other decorative object which, according to United States law, must be at least 100 years old. The value of an antique depends upon its authenticity, beauty, age, rarity and condition.
Apothecary jars Cylindrical or oval shaped covered jars either of glass or china, designed for the storage of medicinal herbs. Some are presently converted to lamp bases or used as ornaments. Also called pharmacy jars.
Applied decoration Relief decoration typically applied to the surface of a ceramic. Often used by Wedgwood to adorn their jasper wares.
Apron A board placed at right angles to the underside of a shelf, chair seat, or table top.
Arabesque An ornamentation consisting of an interlacing design of foliage, usually designed for a vertical panel, with the sides resembling each other.
Arcading Carved architectural ornament suggesting arches. Often used on chair-backs and applied on panels.
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Armoire A movable wardrobe, usually with one or two doors, originating in late 16th century France.
Art Deco Period from 1925 to about 1935 when designers were influenced by simple geometric patterns.
Art Nouveau Period from 1889 to 1925 associated with a curvilinear swing design. Inspired by plant and animal forms in nature and frequently incorporating the figure of women.
Ash A highly figured hardwood having a variety of shades from a grayish hue to deep brown. Used chiefly in structural concealed portions of furniture.
Assaying The process in which a piece is examined to determine the amount of precious metal contained. This examination is conducted at a legally appointed assayer's office to insure compliance with legal standards and the piece is officially stamped or hallmarked upon completion.
Aubusson Flat, tapestry-woven coverings named for the French manufactory in Aubusson, established in 1664. Aubusson fabrics are highly-regarded and of exceptional quality.
Ball-and-Claw Foot A furniture foot cut to imitate a talon or claw grasping a ball. Of Chinese origin, the motif was greatly used in English 18th-century furniture.
Baluster Turned vase-shaped vertical post supporting the rail of a staircase or splat of a chair.
Banding Strip of veneer used as a border for table tops, drawer fronts, etc.
Baroque A style of architecture, art and decoration which originated in Italy during the late 16th century and spread throughout Europe. It is characterized by overscaled, bold details and sweeping curves.
Barye, Antoine-Louis French sculptor and painter of animal subjects, who became a primary figure in the Romantic movement along with his contemporary Eugene Delacroix. Barye received a medal from the Salon in 1831 for Tiger Devouring a Gavial and his talents paved the way for future bronze sculptors, including his student Auguste Rodin. Barye was also an innovative bronze craftsman developing new techniques of casting, chiselling and patination which became the cornerstone of modern bronze work.
Bateman, Hester (1709-1794) London silversmith who took over the family business after the death of her husband in 1760, transforming the small workshop into a hugely successful enterprise. Possessing exceptional skill and taste, Hester Bateman, along with her sons Peter and John, produced some of the finest domestic and presentation sterling pieces ever created. Highly revered for her restrained decoration, works by this talented smith are highly collectible and exceedingly scarce.
Beauvais A type of tapestry originally made at Beauvais, France. Subjects depicted are usually flowers, fruit, landscapes, and pastorals.
Beech A hardwood which lacks a pronounced grain.
Bell turning A type of turning used for furniture legs and pedestal supports shaped like a conventional bell. Common in the William and Mary style.
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Belle Epoque Curvilinear high style of the later part of the 19th century and early 20th century, combining Victorian electicism and the flowing, sinuous forms of Art Nouveau.
Belleek A light, fragile feldspathic porcelain cast in moulds finished with a lustrous pearly glaze. Invented c. 1860 by William Goss of Stoke and improved by William Bromley at the Irish factory of David McBirney & Co.in Belleek Co., Fermanaugh. Belleek was also produced at many American factories from 1882-1900 and is known as lotusware by Knowles of East Liverpool.
Belter, John Henry John Henry Belter stands at the forefront of American cabinetmakers of the Rococo Revival and is widely considered the finest furniture maker of the period. Belter patented an unusual method of cutting through incredibly sturdy laminated wood which allowed him to create extraordinary carvings well-suited to the flamboyant tastes of Victorian America. His work literally defined formal American furnishings of the mid 19th century.
Bergere Armchair with filled-in sides from French designs of c.1725. Early models were caned, later ones upholstered.
Bevel The edge of any flat surface that has been cut at a slant to the main area.
Biedermeier A style of furniture produced in Austria and Germany during the first half of the 19th century. Inspired by French Empire and German painted peasant work. The name was borrowed from an imaginary cartoon character called Papa Biedermeier, an uneducated country gentleman who considered himself a connoisseur of fine and industrial arts. Simple marquestry patterns were used with pressed brass ornaments of Greek inspiration as well as painted motifs of wreaths, urns, and floral, animal and human forms. Woods used were mainly fruitwoods, maple, mahogany and birch.
Birch A hardwood with a close grain and a deep tan hue. One of the strongest cabinet woods grown in America.
bird's eye A decorative wood feature most common in maple. It is formed by small depressions in the outermost growth ring of the timber, with the later growth following the contours and forms a series of small concentric circles when cut.
bisque (biscuit) Unglazed porcelain or pottery commonly used for Neo-Classical reliefs and statuettes since the middle of the 18th century.
black basalts An unglazed line-grained black stoneware perfected by Wedgwood c. 1769. Decorated with relief, gilding or enamelling.
Black Forest Furniture carved in and around Bern, Switzerland during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, commonly identified by its use of carved bears and other creatures of the forest, such as deer and birds. Bear furniture originally began as a hobby for the Swiss family of cabinetmakers and wood-carvers named Trauffer. The linden tree was preferred for most furniture as it is easy to carve, but walnut was also widely used.
blackamoors The first blackamoors were created in Venice in the late 17th century. Later, during the mid 1800s, Venetian artists carved some of the most impressive and graceful examples known, much to the delight of wealthy European families whose demand for fine art and furnishings seemed insatiable. Blackamoor figures ranged from monumental, life-size figures serving as torchieres to diminutive table top figurines used as candleholders.
Blue John A variety of the mineral fluorspar with distinctive banding of blue, violet, and purple, found at Treak Cliff, near Castleton in Derbyshire, England. Since the Roman era, blue john has been used for the production of decorative wares which were shaped on a lathe.
Boiserie Richly carved woodwork used as panels, especially in 17th and 18th century French decoration.
Bombe A French term, literally meaning "blown out", describing a large outward swelling curve on the front of a piece of furniture.
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Bonheur-du-jour A small, light lady's writing desk first made in France in the 1760s. It has a central drawer in front, tiered shelves and cupboards in back, and sometimes a shelf between the legs.
Bonnet top In cabinet work, a top with a broken pediment or arch, or a curved or scroll top wih a central finial motif in the shape of a flame, urn, etc.
Boulle Decorative type of marquetry in which tortoiseshell, brass, copper and tin were cut and pierced into elaborate floral or curving designs. Originally a 10th century Italian process, Boulle marquety developed in 17th century France and was perfected by Andre-Charles Boulle (1642-1732).
Bracket foot A stunted cabriole form, with a straight corner edge and curved inner edges.
Breakfront Cabinet piece the front of which has one or more projecting portions.
Britannia silver A silver alloy introduced after the English Civil War to prevent the melting down of sterling coins to create silver objects. Britannia silver was mandatory in England from 1697 to 1720 and is composed of 958 parts silver in 1000. All Britiannia silver is hallmarked with the figure of Britannia.
Brocade A jacquard weave fabric, with pattern in low relief, usually on a satin background. It may be in one or more colors and has an embroidered effect.
Bronze dore Ornamental coating of gold leaf or gold dust. Also known as gliding.
Bun foot A furniture support that resembles a slightly flattened ball or sphere. Commonly used in William and Mary case furniture.
Bureau Desk popular in late 17th-century England and France distinguished by its sloping fall-front. The flap is hinged at the base and rests on lopers when open, folding up at an angle when closed. In America, used to described a bedroom chest-of-drawers.
Burl A curly-grained wood surface or veneer cut from irregular growths of the tree, such as the roots or crotches. Very common in walnut.
cabochon (1) Smooth round or oval raised decoration. (2) The simplest style of a gemstone; oval, round or teardrop shaped with a rounded top and flat or concave base. This style is used for many opaque stones.
Cabriole leg A furniture leg with a double curve. A stylized form of animal hind leg with elongated "S" shape. Popular in late 18th-century and 19th-century Europe.
Cache pot A French term used to identify a decorative china or metal jardiniere designed to hold a small potted plant or cut flowers.
Camel back Chair or sofa back of late Chippendale or Hepplewhite style. The top rail is in the form of a serpentine curve with two humps downward and three humps upward.
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Cameo A small-scale, shallow relief decoration of carved stone, shell, glass or ceramic typically set against a contrasting colored background developed during the Hellenistic period. Cameos are predominately used in jewelry decoration.
Cameo glass Glass decoration utilizing two layers of glass in which the exterior layer, usually white, is cut away from the underlying colored layer creating a contrasting relief design.
Candelabra A branched candlestick or lamp stand.
Caning A woody stem of rattan or sugar cane used for wickerwork, seats of chairs, summer furniture, etc.
Canopy A draped covering of fabric suspended over a piece of furniture and supported by four posts.
Canterbury Ornamental stand having compartments and divisions for papers, portfolios, envelopes, magazines, etc.
Capital The decorative crowning motif atop a column or pilaster shaft, usually composed of moldings and ornament. The most characteristic feature of each classical architectural order.
Carlton House Desk The original “Carlton House†desk was made in the 1790s for George IV, then the Prince of Wales, living at Carlton House in London. Though little else is known about the origins of this important desk, the style and bearing are doubtless the hallmarks of a Thomas Sheraton design. Many variations emerged from that original desk.
Cartouche Typically oval in shape, a cartouche is an ornamental motif with curved or scrolling edges. Often the cartouche contains a coat-of-arms or an inscription.
Caryatid A decorative upright female figure used in the place of a column.
Case furniture Furniture which provides storage space.
Cassolette A vase, usually gilt-bronze, with a pierced lid for burning perfume pastilles made in France from the 17th century on. Some examples often have a cover which reverses to form a candlestick.
Casters (also known as muffineers) Made in sets of three, with a large pierced caster for sugar, a smaller pierced caster for black pepper and a thrid, non-pierced caster for mustard. The mustard caster's top usually features decorative engraving or other decoration.
Celadon A semi-translucent, usually green glaze, used on Chinese stoneware.
Cellaret A portable chest, case, or cabinet for storing bottles, decanters, and glasses, dating from the 18th century.
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Chaise lounge A long chair designed for relaxing and semi-reclining, usually upholstered. Adapted from the French 18th-century style, it was often made in two parts: a deep bergere and large stool, which when put together, formed a daytime sofa. Also called a recamier.
Champleve A type of enamelling in which powdered glass is placed in the hollowed-out areas of a piece before firing.
Chasing A technique used to decorate metal objects, especially silver, which involves the use of shaped punches and a chasing hammer to model the piece.
Chest-on-chest A chest of drawers consisting of two parts, one mounted on top of the other. Similar to a tallboy.
Chesterfield An overstuffed sofa of large size with a continuous straight back and upholstered ends.
Cheval mirror A large full-length mirror, usually standing on the floor.
Chiffonier The chiffonier is a sideboard, or cabinet, introduced during the late 18th century with open shelves for books and a cupboard or drawers below.
Chippendale Thomas Chippendale 1718-1779 was one of the great cabinet makers of the 18th-century England. His work shows a refinement of Georgian styles, influenced by the Gothic, Chinese, and French rococo. First of his era to extensively use mahogany rather than walnut, the prevailing wood in the Early Georgian period. In 1754 he published "The Gentlemen's and Cabinetmaker's Drectory," illustrating the styles of the day.
Chocolate cup A large cup with two handles, a cover and a saucer.
Cloisonne A type of enamelling in which compartments separated by thin strips of metal are filled with powdered glass prior to firing.
Cockfighting chair Chair for reading and writing or viewing sports events used by straddling the seat and facing the back. The back has a small shelf. Popular from Queen Anne to Chippendale periods.
Commemorative Wares Wares that commemorate an important or historical event, such as a battle, coronation, or wedding.
Commode French form of low chest-of-drawers , originally intended for the drawing room, dating from the mid 17th-century and very popular in the 18th century. Became a term for bedroom cupboards in the 19th century.
Console table A small table that can be attached to the wall in the back having two legs in front or can be free-standing against the wall.
Cornice The projeting, crowning portion of a classical entablature. Also horizontal molding at the top of case pieces, such as bookcases and cabinets.
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Cornucopia Classical motif in the shape of a goat's horn out of which spills fruit, vegetables, and flowers. A symbol of fertility and abundance popular during the Baroque and Rococo periods. Also horn-of-plenty.
Coromandel A very hard wood similar to ebony.
Crackle A network of cracks in the glaze of some Chinese porcelain, deliberately introduced as decoration.
Crazing Tiny surface cracks in the glaze of porcelain or on a painting.
Creamware A lead-glazed and cream colored earthenware with a light body consisting of pale clay. Creamware was perfected in Staffordshire in the mid-18th century.
Credenza Sideboard with doors surmounted by drawers, used for storage.
Crossbanding Thin strips of decorative cross-grained veneer.
Crotch veneer A thin sheet of wood cut from the intersection of the main trunk and branch of a tree, showing an irregular effect of graining.
Crown molding The highest molding on a door, window, or cabinet.
Cruet A cruet is a small bottle used for oils, vinegars and other condiments. Its earliest use was ecclesiastical for wine, oil and water. A few medieval examples exist today. In the late 17th century, cruets were used domestically and were made of glass imported from Italy and adorned with silver or silver-plated mounts.Cruets were grouped together on a stand in a frame or rack typically with a central vertical handle and supporting feet. The number of bottles could vary from two to six or more and were often combined with casters.
Crystal Fine, high-quality glass containing lead oxide invented in 17th century England. The lead oxide is attributed to providing the glass with extraordinary qualities of brillance, sound and a suitable texture for cutting or engraving. Some of the finest crystal ever made is from Baccarat in France (est. 1816) and Waterford in Ireland (est. 1729).
Cut glass Any glass whose surface has been cut into facets, grooves and depressions aided by a large, rotating wheel. Wheel cutting glass decoration was developed in the 8th century BC, but the technique of faceting wasn't perfected until the 18th century in England. Although cutting glass is a costly and difficult process, the brilliant effects are extraordinary!
Damask A linen, cotton, rayon, or silk fabric with a reversible jacquard weave and a lustrous surface.
Davenport desk These small writing desks most often feature a sloping top, brass galleries, a set of drawers on one side and false drawer fronts on the other. It is believed that the famous furniture making firm, Gillows of London, first created the desk around 1790 for a Captain Davenport
De Lamerie, Paul Paul de Lamerie (1688-1751) - The most celebrated silversmith in history who was primarily responsible for England's emergence as the world's leader in important silver production. His work, characterized by technical superiority and ingenious design, was commissioned by English nobility and Russian aristocrats.
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Delft Earthenware made in The Netherlands, known for its heavy glaze. A blue underglaze decoration on conventional patterns with town and landscape scenes on a white background.
Diorama A life-size exhibit of a wildlife speciman or scene with realistic natural surroundings and a painted background.
Directoire A period of design in France after the Revolution, from 1795 to 1804. Characterized by Roman motifs and named for the Directory, the government at the time.
Dovetail A term in carpentry used to designate a method of joinery. A tenon or tongue that flares outward in the shape of a dove's tail that interlocks with alternating similar grooves or projections from another piece of wood. Frequently used to join corners of drawers and cabinets.
Dowel Headless pin of metal or wood which fits into a corresponding hole on another piece, forming a joint fastening them together.
Drop-front A top or front of a desk hinged at the bottom that drops to a horizontal position, forming a surface for writing. Also called a drop-lid.
Drop-leaf A leaf, hinged to the side of a table, which drops at the side when not in use.
Drum table A round table with a deep apron resembling a drum.
Dumbwaiter table A serving table, consisting of three or four circular trays on a central shaft with the smallest being at the top and the largest at the bottom. Also known as a tier table.
Early American A period in the design of American furniture during the 17th and early 18th centuries. The designs were simple and rugged generally made of solid wood, especially pine, maple, birch, and oak. The furniture was copied largely from English Jacobean and William and Mary styles.
Earthenware All pottery except for stoneware.
Ebonizing The staining of wood to black to resemble ebony, a common decorative technique used in Louis XIV furniture.
Ebony The name given to several different woods that are very dark in color, sometimes dark brown or green to black in color.
Egg-and-dart A decorative motif of classical origin consisting of ovoid or egg shapes alternating with dart-like points.
Elm A uniform and fine textured wood with a light brownish-red color tinged with darker brown ring marks.
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Embossing A process of stamping, hammering or molding a material so that a design protrudes beyond the surface.
Empire A period of Neo-classic design during the reign of Napoleon 1804-14. Greek, Roman, and Egyptian motifs were widely used. The style spread throughout Europe and appeared in America in some of Duncan Phyfe's work.
Enamel A painted porcelain decoration in vitreous colors that fuse to the glazed surface during low temperature kiln firing. Enamel sinks deeply into soft-paste porcelain but is not absorbed by hard-paste porcelain.
Engraving The process of cutting or carving lines into a surface.
Epergne An ornamental centerpiece usually of glass or silver or a combination of both. Two or more vase-shaped holders are branched upward from a decorative base to hold flowers.
Escutcheon Metal plate fitted around a keyhole for protection and decoration or to which a handle or knob can be attached.
Etagere Set of free-standing or wall shelves used to display objects, sometimes with drawers or doors.
Etchings Prints from a copper plate upon which a drawing or design has been made by a metal tool.
Etui French term for case.
Faberge Extraordinary jeweled works of art by Peter Carl Faberge, legendary jeweler to the Czars of Russia.
Faience Richly decorated and colorful pottery produced first in Faenza, Italy and at Rouen, France about 1644. Small flowers, cornucopias and arrows are typical motifs done in blue, green, and yellow on a cream white background.
Fauteuil French open-armed chair with upholstered seat and back.
Federal An American period 1780-1830 influenced by English Adam, Sheraton, Regency, Hepplewhite, French Directoire, and Empire. Mahogany was used extensively but cherry, pine, and maple were also used. The most common ornament on this period of furniture was the eagle.
Feldspathic glaze The glaze on hard-paste porcelain which fuses into a type of natural glass at a very high temperature.
Filigree (metal) Decorative technique using open or backed wire work. The fine wire is typically gold or silver and is worked into an intricate design.
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Finial An ornamental knob usually on the cover of a tureen or similar, where it serves as a handle.
Finial An ornmant used as a terminating motif usually in the form of a ball, flame, flower, acorn, pineapple, or vase.
Fleur-de-lis The conventionalized iris flower used by the former kings of France as a decorative motif symbolizing royalty.
Flip-top A table having two leaves, one on top of the other.
Fluting Decoration formed by making parallel, concave grooves. In classical architecture they are commonly seen on column shafts and run in a vertical direction.
French Ivory Synthetic ivory. An artificial plastic produced to imitate ivory first produced by the Xylonite Company in 1866. Other names include Celluloid, Ivoride, Ivorine, Ivorite and Pyralin.
French polish A durable finish of high gloss created by applying successive layers of shellac varnish to wood. The degree of shine may vary froma subtle gloss to a mirrored gloss. The name is used because it is believed to have been first used in France in the late 1600s.
French Provincial Furniture style created by craftsmen in the French provinces. Local woods were generally used for pieces that were practical for the home. Tended to be simpler versions of the Louis XV style
Fresco A painting done on plaster before it dries, generally in mural decoration.
Fretwork Elaborate form of pierced decoration in wood created by using a fretsaw.
Gadroon Applied series of small vertical, diagonal or twisted flutes commonly used as a border decoration on silverware.
Galle, Emile (1846-1904) French glassmaker, potter and cabinetmaker renowned for his stunning Art Nouveau pieces which revitalized the decorative arts industry at the turn of the century. Galle's design interests reflected the contemporary taste for botany and entomology, and his techniques were innovative and quite productive. In 1874, Galle established his own glass shop in Nancy creating pieces that amazed the public at several Exposition Universelles in Paris. He introduced his glasswares in 1878 and his complex marquetry furniture pieces in 1889. Galle's talent was widely recognized and he was elected to the prestigious Legion d'honneur in 1900.
Gallery The ornamental metal or wood railing around the edge of a table or desk.
Georgian A period of design in English furniture from 1714 to 1795. Among the best known designers were Hepplewhite, Sheraton, Chippendale, and the Adams Brothers. Mahogany and walnut were the chief woods used.
Gesso A prepared plaster of chalk and white lead which may be cast to make repeating ornamental forms in relief to be applied to wood panels, plaster surfaces, etc.
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Gilding The decoration of an object with a thin layer of gold, gold leaf or gold foil.
Gillows Founded in 1703 by Robert Gillows, the Gillows firm operated successfully as a family-owned business well into the 19th century. Operating from Lancaster, England, Gillows was especially noted for their quality and innovative designs.
Girandole Elaborate candelabra associated with Rococo and Neoclassical design. Also refers to heavily carved or glided sconces or wall brackets with mirrored backplates to reflect the candlelight.
Glaze A shiny, glassy surface coating that also seals porous bodies of porcelain and pottery. Glazes can be translucent, opaque or colored. Lead and salt glazes are applied to pottery and soft-paste porcelain, feldspathic glazes to hard-paste porcelain.
Greenaway, Kate Victorian children's book author and illustrator, Kate Greenaway (1846-1901) stole the hearts of young and old with her charming depictions of young children. Several of her images were reproduced by prominent silver companies during the Victorian era for figural napkin rings, which are now the most highly sought after figurals.
Gueridon A small table or pedestal with a circular top dating from the 17th and early 18th centuries. Originally used to support candelabras.
Hallmark A mark or stamp applied to a precious metal by a legally appointed official denoting quality of a piece after assaying, examining to determine the amount of precious metal contained in a piece.
Hard-paste porcelain Hard-paste (or true) porcelain is compounded of china clay (kaolin) and powdered felspathic rock (china stone or petuntse). It is glazed with petuntse which fuses into a form of natural glass under intense heat.
Hassock A tightly stuffed, upholstered cushion used as a footstool or seat.
Hepplewhite An English designer in the18th century who frequently co-operated with the Adams Brothers. He wrote "The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Guide."
Highboy Tall chest of drawers supported by cabriole legs and usually crowned with cornice moldings or a pediment. Popular in 18th-century America.
Imari Heavily decorated Japanese porcelain with overglaze enamels and gilding. Popular in the first half of the 18th century.
Incised A pattern or carving produced by cutting into a stone, wood, or other hard surface. The reverse of relief carving.
Inlay Form of decoration used in furniture and ceramics, inlay is when part of a surface is removed and replaced with a contrasting material.
Intaglio A decorative technique in which a design is cut into a hard surface. Intaglio is also the Italian word for carving.
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Irish Furniture (18th-Century) During the 18th century, very few Irish families were wealthy enough to afford luxurious furnishings. With middle-class demand virtually non-existant, almost all Irish furniture was of exceptional quality and crafted exclusively for the tiny aristocratic population. Though talented 18th-century Irish craftsmen produced only a relatively few pieces, their work is considered among the finest ever. Today, Irish furniture is highly sought after by collectors, though few pieces are found on the market.
Ironstone china Created to imitate porcelain, Ironstone china was first made in England in 1813 by Charles James Mason of Staffordshire and was known as "Mason's Ironstone." Ironstone china is very hard, opaque and pale-bodied.
Jubako Japanese picnic box
Jacobean Period in English design from 1603 to 1688, characterized by practicality and a tendency toward Baroque. Early American furniture is based on this period. Box-like and architectural in style.
Jacquard Type of weave done on a loom invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801, making possible a variety of intricate patterns. Demasks, brocades, and tapestries can be woven on jacquard looms.
Japan patterns Japanese-inspired designs on English pottery and porcelain (for example, Worcester)
Japanning Term used for European techniques to imitate designs from the Far East.
Jardiniere A plant or flower container
Jasper dip and jasperware A fine-grained unglazed stoneware perfected by Wedgwood in 1775. This white stoneware could be stained with different colors, usually blue, lilac, sage green and black. From about 1780 on the coloring could be on the outer surface only and is known as jasper dip.
Joinery The craft of assembling woodwork by means of mortise.
Kalaga Embroidered Burmese tapestries. Kalagas were orginally developed in Burma (now Myanmar) at the Mandalay court (1850-1885) to serve as wall hangings, curtains, room partitions, coffin covers and theatre backdrops. These traditional Burmese tapestries depicted scenes from various legends as well as events of religious importance.
Kaolin (china clay) - A fine white granite clay used in hard-paste porcelain.
Kingwood A Brazilian wood, also called violet wood from the color of its markings, used in fine cabinetwork. Given its name because it was preferred by the kings of France in the 18th century.
Kneehole desk Desk with a solid lower portion but with an opening for the knees of a person seated at it.
KPM Porcelain Paintings Few other mediums afford artists the expression of such luminous beauty than porcelain. The smooth, cool surface gives paintings an almost translucent quality, as thought the light is refelcted from within. KPM porcelain represents the creme de la creme of this art form and signed pieces are highly sought after and rare.
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Lavabo French term meaning "wash bowl"
Lacquer Oriental varnish obtained from the sap of the lacquer tree. Gave a high-gloss finish to furniture in Europe in the 17th century. Mother-of-pearl, coral, and metals were often inlaid in the lacquer to create a decorative effect.
Lalique A luminous, transparent glass introduced in the early 20th century by Rene Lalique of France. Most of his designs have a sculptural quality achieved by pressing and alternating a dull with a polished surface.
Laminated wood Perfected by American cabinet maker John Henry Belter, wood pieces made up of thin layers are frequently bent and moulded to create curved shapes such as bed footboards, headboards or pierced furniture decoration.
Linke, Francois Francois Linke was the most celebrated and influential ebeniste(cabinet maker) of his time. His work has long been admired for its exceptional quality and innovative interpretation of the Louis XV and Art Nouveau styles.
Louis XIV Known as the Sun King, he reigned in France between 1643 and 1715. Influenced the Baroque style in furniture during the earlier part of the reign which later developed into the Regence style. Mahogany and oak were widely used. Baroque was large, masculine, and symmetrical. Regence was characterized by its use of curves and introduction of Chinoiserie. Ornamentation was usually done with rocks, shells, and flowers.
Louis XV He reigned in France between 1715 and 1774. The style of furniture was essentially Rococo with soft, flowing lines, shell and flower ornamentation, rich upholstery, inlaying and painted furniture.
Louis XVI Reigned in France between 1774 and 1793. Characteristics of this style were rectangular lines, architectural ornamentation, classic symmetry, marquetry, and the predominant use of mahogany.
Lowboy Chest of drawers mounted on short legs. Usually about three feet high.
Lustre A metallic, sometimes iridescent, form of decoration.
Lyre back Design commonly used by Duncan Phyfe on the backs of chairs. A representation of lyre figures carved from wood with brass wires used to represent the strings.
Mahogany Straight grained hard wood with silky texture, ranging in color from salmon-pink through bright red and when newly cut, changes to a golden or deep brown red.
Majolica A 19th century type of earthenware featuring colored lead glazes.
Malachite An opaque green mineral with very pronounced and often concentric banding. It's surface is hard enough to be polished and malachite has been used for beads, cabochons, decorative items and pietre dure.
Mallard, Prudent Born in Sevres, France, Prudent Mallard emigrated to America in 1829. After finding New York unsuitable, he travelled by steamship to New Orleans, where he set up shop on Royal Street, the city's most prestigious avenue, catering to the needs of a very wealthy clientele. Known for his palatial furnishings, Mallard is one of the most important Southern cabinet makers.
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Mantel The projecting shelf surmounting a fireplace.
Maple Light reddish-brown wood with uniform texture. Grain is usually straight execpt when different veneers are used.
Marks Porcelain and Pottery usually have signs of origin applied to the piece either in underglaze blue, impressed, incised, or painted above the glaze which generally indicate the manufacturer. Some pieces also contain marks denoting the artist and date of the piece.
Marquetry Shaped pieces of wood or other material used as a veneer on furniture to create decorative patterns.
Marquetry A flush pattern produced by inserting contrasting materials in a veneered surface. Rare, grained, and colored woods are usually used, but thin layers of tortoiseshell, ivory, mother-of-pearl, and metals are also seen. If the pattern is of a geometric nature,it is called parquetry.
Medallion A circular or oval frame having within it an ornamental motif.
Meeks, J. & J. W. The family-owned J. & J. W. Meeks company, based in New York with outlets in New Orleans and along the Atlantic coast, was a major competitor to John Henry Belter. Because they employed similar styles, much of Meeks’ outstanding work had long been mistakenly identified as Belter. Today, experts are correcting the confusion and the Meeks’ name is now synonymous with the superior quality of the Rococo Revival
Meissen Manufacturers of true porcelain whose wares remain unrivaled in terms of innovation and beauty. Meissen is the name of the small town in which alchemist Johann Friedrich Bottger was imprisoned by the King of Saxony where he remained for several years until 1710 when he finally discovered a formula for true (hard-paste) porcelain.
Meridienne Sofa with one arm higher than the other.
Millefiori A type of glassware in which multi-colored glass pieces are put in rosette or floral designs and embedded in clear glass. The word literally means "a thousand flowers" in Italian.
Mosaic A decorative technique in which square or rectangular pieces of stone, glass, ceramic tile (also known as tessare) are set in mortar in and artistic motif. Tiny mosaics are referred to as micromosaics.
Mother-of-pearl A term used to reference the hard, iridescent inner lining of certain mollusk shells such as oyster and mussel. Used as a decorative inlay in furniture and objets d'art.
Mount An ornamental attachment typically of gilt-bronze on high-quality porcelain.
Nanking Cargo In 1752 a large Dutch trading vessel, the Geldermalsen, sunk into the Atlantic Ocean carrying the largest single shipment of blue and white porcelain ever to leave China. 150,000 pieces of china from this ship were salvaged in 1985 by Captain Michael Hatcher and then sold during a four day sale at Christie's Amsterdam in 1986. The pieces in our collection were acquired from the original purchaser at that sale and are the only Nanking Cargo pieces that we know of on the market anywhere.
Nef The nef, developed during the Middle Ages, is a vessel in the form of a ship that was used at the dining table. Its earliest known use, recorded in 12th century France, was most likely as a drinking vessel and was made of materials other than silver. By the 15th century, the nef was used as a receptacle for salt, goblets, napkins, eating utensils, and meat. By the 16th century, it evolved into an elaborate table ornament, from the form of simple boats to fully and accurately rigged ships often peopled with tiny figures. Nefs were often paraded at feasts in the courts of Europe and given as presents to royalty and aristocracy.
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Neo-classic Refers to the second revival of classic design for interior decoration in the 18th century.
Nephrite Often called greenstone, nephrite is a creamy greenish colored mineral often used by Faberge.
Nesting tables Group of tables, usually three, constructed so that one fits under the other.
Niello A black inlay in a metal surface, typically silver, copper and lead. Developed in ancient Roman times the technique resurged up until the Renaissance in Western Europe and is still common in Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
Oak Wood varies from light tan to deep leathery brown with black spots. Variations due to differences in climate and soil.
Obelisk Tall, square stone monumental shaft with pyramidal top used in ancient Egypt. The form, on a small scale in alabaster, is used as a decorative ornament in Directoire, Empire, and contemporary interiors.
Occasional table Generic term for decorative, small tables such as end tables, coffee tables, lamp tables, etc.
Old Paris (Veaux Paris) A generic term used to describe the products of numerous factories and decorating establishments in around Paris from 1780-1840. Paris blossomed as a center of excellence after the French Revolution and porcelain factories began to mulitply. Unfortunately, due to intense competition, smaller factories left many of their pieces unmarked. Typically, Old Paris porcelain is a combination of Greek, Roman and Egyptian influences accented with bright colors and gilding.
Ormolu Derived from French for ground gold, the term refers to gilded bronze or brass mounts.
Ottoman A low, upholstered seat without backs or arms. Sometimes used as a foot-rest.
Overglaze Decoration applied to a piece of pottery or porcelain after it has been glazed.
Oyster veneering Oyster veneering, a technique indicative of William & Mary furnishings, was achieved by transversely cutting or slicing the smaller branches of certain trees such as walnut or olive. These small, rounded veneers, with their circular striations, resembled the inside of an oyster and when pieced together produced a most dramatic effect.
Pate-sur-pate A type of 19th century porcelain featuring low-relief designs carved in slip and applied to a contrasting body.
Pad foot Club foot resting on an integral disc.
Pagoda In China and Japan,a tower, usually having several stories, built in connection with a temple or monastery.
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Palette The group of colors used in a particular style or by a particluar factory or decorator.
Parquetry Inlay of geometric design, used for decorative flooring.
Partner's desk Desk large enough to seat two people facing each other which working drawers on both sides.
Paste The composite material from which porcelain is made.
Pastiglia A technique used to decorate small gilded items made from a white powder derived from lead. Often used during the Italian Renaissance for decorating tiny caskets, it was much too fragile for use on larger items.
Pastille burners Popular from 1820-1850, pastille burners were containers often in the form of cottages, churches, or summer houses, with detachable lids for burning cassolette perfumes (incense).
Patina Term used to designate a mellow sheen formed on the surface of furniture, due to wear, age, exposure, and hand-rubbing. Also a film usually greenish, formed on copper or bronze after long exposure.
Patination The change of color of a metal surface due to a chemical reaction between the metal and its environment. A patina can be created naturally or artificially.
Pedestal Tall, narrow base which supports a statue, lamp, vase or any decorative object. Usually treated with moldings at the top and a base block on the bottom. Without moldings it is called a plinth.
Pediment Broad triangular or curved space above a portico, doorway, window or cabinet. Can have segmental, scroll, and broken forms.
Pembroke table A drop-leaf table.
Petit, Jacob Jacob Petit owned one of the most important and well-known porcelain factories in France. He rose from humble beginnings to become a major producer of Rococo ornamental ware in the 1830s. Jacob Petit's highly decorative porcelain was enormously popular in both England and France. His heavily molded and somewhat eccentric style has proven to be well-made and designed to endure the test of time. Petit's peices are normally clearly marked with the letters J.P. in underglaze blue.
Pewter Alloy of tin and lead which has a dull gray appearance and is used for the making of tableware and ornaments. Originally it was intended as a substitute for silver but its value diminished in the 17th century with the advent of chinaware for everyday use.
Phyfe, Duncan America's most famous cabinetmaker 1768-1854. His work was greatly influenced by Sheraton, Dreictoire, and Empire design. He used mostly mahogany with finely carved ornaments. Known for federal design.
Pie-crust table A small, round table having a top with its edge carved or molded in scallops. Common in 18th-century English furniture.
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Pier glass Tall, narrow framed mirror originally placed between two windows to enhance light coming into a room. Often an accompaniment to a low table or consol.
Pierced work Decorative technique used on precious and non-precious metals, created by perforating the metal sheet. Some extraordinary pierced work was achieved by the noteworthy Goldsmiths and Silversmiths of London during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Pietre dure An Italian phrase which means "hard stones," pietre dure is often used to describe sculptural or decorative use of hard stones. This technique was used to decorate furniture, cameos, vases and decorative panels.
Pilaster Architectural term for a flattened column attached to a facade for decoration rather than structural support.
Pine Wood that is uniform in texture but sometimes strongly marked with annual rings. It dries easily and does not shrink or swell greatly with changes in moisture content.
Polychrome Decoration using three or more colors.
Poplar Even-textured and straight-grained wood, it is available in lumber as well as in thin stock suitable for cross-banding and face veneers.
Porcelain Translucent white ceramic body made from kaolin and petuntse (hard-paste) or another ingredient that induces translucency (soft-paste) fired at high temperatures.
Porphyry Rock sunstance composed of crystals of quartz, used during the reign of Louis XIV for table tops.
Pottery Generic term for all ceramic wares except for porcelain.
Provincial Peasant-like and naive in style.
Putti A young boy, commonly seen in Italian painting and sculpture.
Putti (pl. for putto) cupids or cherubs commonly used as a decorative motif.
Queen Anne A period in English furniture design from 1702-1714, characterized by adaptation of Baroque and the extensive use of the cabriole leg. Walnut was the dominant wood.
Queen's Ware Cream-colored earthenware improved and marketed by Josiah Wedgwood from 1765. It was named Queen's ware in honor of Queen Charlotte, the wife of George III.
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Recamier A long chair designed for relaxing and semi-reclining, usually upholstered. Adapted from the French 18th-century style, it is also called a chaise lounge.
Regence French Transitional period in French furniture design between Louis XIV and the Rococo style developed by Louis XV. Named for the time frome in France from 1715-1728 when Philip, Duke of Orleans, reigned. Characteristics are graceful curves, the cabriole leg, and ornamentation copied from nature rather than mythology. Bright veneers of rosewood and satinwood were widely used.
Regency English Period of severe neoclassicism from 1810-1820 influenced by the French Empire.
Relief Forms of molded, carved or stamped decoration raised from the surface of a piece of furniture forming a pattern.
Relief Decoration that protrudes from the surface.
Renaissance Revival of interest in classical design, beginning in Italy during the 14th century and continuing to spread throughout Europe until the 17th century. Design is simple in structure with a generous use of classical ornament, such as the acanthus leaf, animal forms, and pilasters.
Repousse A decorative technique in which sheet metal is punched and hammered from the back, usually follwed by chasing from the front as a finishing touch. Another word for repousse is embossing.
Rococo Period in French design originating in the 18th century following the Baroque era. An assymetrical motif, it was often overly ornamental. The name is derived from the French words rocaille (rock) and coquille (shell), which are prominent rococo decorative elements.
Rosewood Prized for its exotic and beautifully figured appearance, rosewood was a favorite among upscale cabinet makers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Unlike more common woods, rosewood is exceptionally dense, rich in color and very receptive to a high polish. Hailing from tropical forests of India and Brazil, rosewood got its name not from its appearance, but from the aroma of the freshly cut trees. Neo-classical furniture makers like Thomas Chippendale preferred rosewood to any other variety for his incredible furnishings. Brazilian rosewood was the preferred choice of 19th-century furniture makers as well. Today, rosewood pieces are highly sought after by antique connoisseurs.
Rosso Antico The name given by Wedgwood to his red stoneware.
Roux, Alexander Alexander Roux emigrated from France to New York and opened his first shop in 1837. He used his Parisian background and training to his advantage, imparting his designs with a decidedly French flair. By 1855, Roux employed 120 workers, reaching the peak of his success in the 1870s with more than a half million dollars in annual sales. Roux’s genius lay in his ability to excel in the creation of the popular styles without sacrificing quality or the spirit of innovation.
Salon set Complete set of matched furniture for a specific room. Also called a suite.
Samovar An urn with a spigot at its base used especially in Russia to boil water for tea.
Sarcophagus A rectangular, coffin-shaped box tapering to a smaller size at the bottom. Can be used as a cellaret or tea caddy.
Satinwood Pale in color and silky in appearance, satinwood became increasingly popular in Britain during the 1770s, replacing mahogany as the wood of choice for smaller pieces of furniture. A brilliant yellow wood with a high lustre, stainwood often has a rippled or quilted feature from which its name is derived. Typically, satinwood is used as a veneer and it remained popular in England throughout the late 18th and 19th centuries.
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Scallop shell A semi-circular shell with ridges radiating from a point at the bottom. This ornamental motif was common in furniture design during the Queen Anne and Georgian periods in England and America. It was also extensively used in the easrly Spanish Renasisscane.
Sconce A bracketed wall-light comprising a decorative backplate and candleholders. Very fashionable from the late 17th century. Rococo versions are often called girandoles.
Scrimshaw A folk art dating from the 17th century in which whale teeth, whale bones and walrus tusks are engraved or lightly carved with a picture or design.
Scroll pediment Broken pediment with each half shaped in the form of a reverse curve, and ending in an ornamental scroll. Usually a finial is placed in the center between the two halves.
Secretary desk An 18th-century tall piece of furniture with drawers at the bottom, a bookcase on top, and a desk with a drop-llid in the center.
Serpentine Furniture decoration shaped like an s-curve
Serpentine curve Winding and curving design often used in furniture legs or on the front of cabinets or desk.
Shagreen A leather created from various species of sharks, rays and dogfish, particularly the stingray. This nodule-laden leather was commonly used during the 18th and 19th centuries to add decorative features to items such as jewelry boxes, needle cases, sword handles and opera glasses.
Sheraton, Thomas Sheraton 1750-1806, an English cabinetmaker who name has been given to a school of design in English furniture. Using mahogany as his dominant wood, he followed the classic, simple design in the wake of Adam and Hepplewhite.
Shield back A chair back fashioned in the shape of a shield. Common in Hepplewhite designs.
Sideboard A long, large piece of dining-room furniture with a flat top, and sometimes a superstructure for displaying china and glass. The body is a storage unit, compoased of drawers, sometimes flanked on each side by cabinets with doors.
Smith, Benjamin Benjamin Smith. Benjamin Smith's (1764-1823) extraordinary genius garnered him accolades from his contemporaries and established him as one of history's most important and respected silversmiths. He, along with other master smiths like Paul Storr and Matthew Boulton, were most influential in elevating the silver artform during the period. Boulton was so impressed with Smith's talent, he entered into a partnership with him. Later, Smith found himself in the same circles as the legendary Paul Storr, and his talent soon gained the attention of the Royal Family. Indeed by 1803, just a year after arriving in London, Smith's work had found its way into the Royal Household and his distinctive style put him in the same stellar league as Storr and Boulton, a most exclusive group. Examples bearing the hallmark of Benjamin Smith are especially rare and sought after among collectors who recognize the superior technical and artistic merit of his work.
Soft-paste Porcelain Porcelain compounded mostly of white clay mixed with a glassy substance.
Solon, Marc Louis Marc Louis Solon is the most renowned pate-sur-pate artist. Solon was forced to leave the Sevres porcelain factory in France and move to England due to the onslaught of the Franco-Prussian war. In 1870 Solon began a long and prosperous relationship with the Minton porcelain factory in Stoke-On-Trent, becoming the premier pate-sur-pateartist.
Spinel Gemstone which occurs in a variety of colors including deep reds, blues and greens. Significant sources of spinels include Burma, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Kenya, Pakistan and Vietnam.
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Splat The flat central support on a chair's back.
Splat Central flat support between a chair's seat and the top-rail.
Sprigged ware Ceramics which have ornamental decoration applied to its surface. A sprig mould is used to produce a relief decoration with a flat back in order for it to be scored and slipped ("sprigged") for application. Wedgwood jasper ware features sprigged decoration.
Staffordshire pottery Pottery made in Staffordshire County, England. Provincial in shape ornamentation and coloring. The better grades are usually known by the individual names of their markers.
Sterling A term used in connection with silverware, indicating that the silver is 92.5 percent pure.
Stoneware A hybrid of earthenware and porcelain, made of clay and a fusible substance, such as sand or flint. It is not porous after firing.
Storr, Paul Paul Storr (1771-1844) - The most celebrated and prolific silversmith of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Storr captured the attention of the world's aristocracy particularly the Prince of Wales, the future King George IV. His works graced palaces and mansions all over Europe.
Stretcher Strengthening or stabilizing rail which runs horizontal between furniture legs, often forming X, H, or Y shapes.
Student lamp Desk lamp of metal, usually brass, having a tubular shaft and either one or two arms. Shades are of opaque glass usually in dark green or white.
Tallboy Called a chest-on-chest until the 18th century, this high chest-of-drawers has more drawers below than on top.
Tantalus The Tantalus is a cellarette with decanters tucked inside, their contents visible but not obtainable without a key. The name derived from the Greek myth of Tantalos, son of Zeus and King of Lydia.Tantalos was admitted to the society of the gods, but his abominable behavior aroused their anger leading Zeus to condemn him to suffer eternally in Tartarus. As punishment, Tantalos was forced to stand neck-deep in water, which receded from him when he would attempt to drink. Over his head hung the bough of a fruit tree that the wind wafted away whenever he tried to grasp them. It is from his name that the word tantalize also originated.
Tapestry A heavy hand-woven fabric panel, often used as a wall decoration. Aubusson weavers are renowned for their fine tapestries.
Tea bowl A small Oriental cup without a handle, also made widely in Europe (with a saucer) in the 18th century.
Tea caddy A decorative box created for storing tea leaves, many with two compartments one for black tea and the other for green tea. Some of the finest tea caddies created in England were crafted of exotic woods, adorned with tortoise shell, ivory and mother-of-pearl.
Teakwood Wood from Burma, Java, the East Indies, Siam, French Indochina, and has been planted successfully in the Philippines. A strong, tough wood, it ranges in color from light tawny yellow to dark brown. Slightly oily.
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Tiffany's Chrysanthemum One of the most popular designs created by Tiffany and Co.'s Charles T. Grosjean in 1880. Though it was the most expensive pattern to produce for tea services and flatware, it soon became the most highly prized and luxurious of all Tiffany patterns.
Tin glaze An opaque white glaze containing tin oxide used on faience, delftwares and majolica.
Toby Jug An 18th or 19th century jug representing a seated Englishman with three-cornered hat and mug of ale.
Tortoiseshell Often used as an inlay or a decorative overlay on wood surfaces, tortoiseshell is a mottled, nutty brown shell material with a spotted, striped, or sometimes even speckled pattern.
Underglaze Decoration or mark applied to a ceramic ware underneath a transparent glaze.
Veilleuse Derived from the French word veiller (to keep a night vigil), veilleuse initially referred to any night lamp. Eventually the word became used for any food or drink warmer intended for bedside use. Also referred to as tisaniere.
Wedding Cup German Jungfrauenbecher meaning "maiden's cup." The wedding cup originated in Germany during the 16th century, but only a few examples survive from that early time and is now often referred to as the wedding cup for the role it plays in nuptial feasts. The bridegroom drinks a toast out of the larger cup and then rights the figure, without spilling the wine in the smaller pivoted bowl, which is then to be drunk by the bride. The Jungfrauenbecher has also been known as the "wager cup" - the challenged having to drink from both cups without spilling the contents of either.
Wedgwood & Bentley In 1768 Josiah Wedgwood partnered with Thomas Bentley establishing a factory named 'Etruria' for making ornamental wares.
Zebrawood An orange to dark brown wood with variegated stripes and a straight, fine grain. Used for high-quality veneers and available only in small quantities.
Acanthus A leaf used in classical ornament, particularly on Corinthian capitals (the tops of corinthian columns ); frequently found on furniture as carved decoration or cast bronze ornament, particularly from the French, Louis XVI period or style.
Alabaster A fine often translucent soft veiny marble-like stone found in different precious colors like white, beige, caramel, purple and ruby amogst others. Alabaster has been used for centuries for carvings of decorative sculptures. In the later part of the 19th century and all they way through the mid-20th century, alabaster was used as a decorative element in chandeliers.
Antique Most countries, including the United States, recognize any item that is at least 100 years old as an antique. Some European countries recognize an item as an antique if it is at least 70 years old. Antique items as well as art-work are mostly exempt from import duties.
Armoire Better know as a wardrobe.
Art-Deco Art Deco, popular originally in the 1920s and 30s, took its name from the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, an exhibition held in Paris in 1925. Art Deco turned mundane objects into graceful, sensual works of art, with a nod towards the opulent and extreme. Art Deco sought to build upon the elements of Modern Art movements by focusing on the principal object and removing the extraneous elements found in the Victorian era and in Art Nouveau. The concept of “form following function” and the technological advances of the early 20th century played a very important role in defining the direction of Art Deco.
Art-Nouveau Art Nouveau is the French/Belgian name of an art movement in reaction to the academical schools at the end of the XIXth century (1894-1914). In different countries, "Art Nouveau" had its own identity and sometimes artists at that time were opposed to eachother. In fact, beyond these "oppositions" between countries or even artists, we can find retrospectively numerous common points in each movement. Generally speaking "Art Nouveau" means all the avant-garde movements during the period 1894-1914 in reaction to the academical and historical point of view.
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Aubusson A woven needlepoint-like tapestry used for upholstery of seat furniture as well as wall decoration. Usually made in silk with designs of historical scenes as well as stories in series and floral arrangements, manufactured for centuries by the Aubusson Company established in 1664 in Aubusson, France whom is known for their high quality and design and fine attention to detail.
Baccarat The Baccarat crystal company, known for it’s high quality and design, was started in 1764. The great French crystal factories of Baccarat (1764) and Saint Louis (1586) were both placed under the protection of his patron saint by Louis XV in the 1760's. Within the next century their cut crystal was among the finest made.
In 1841 Francois-Eugene de Fontenay discovered that the addition of Nickel Oxide in the glass manufacturing process produced perfectly clear glass. Full lead crystal ("invented" in France in 1781 by Saint Louis) must contain at least 24% lead oxide which gives it brilliance, weight and clarity. Quality is determined by the method (hand or machine), detail of design and finish (cut, etched, engraved). It can be decorated with color by adding oxides or minerals, paint (applied by hand and re-fired), silk screening (ceramic paint), frost (sandblasting, acid), and hand cutting (vs. molded design). Cutting produces grooves with sharp angles that increase light-reflecting surfaces adding sparkle. Baccarat crystal pieces and chandeliers are some of the most desirable and sought after pieces in the world.
Barbedienne, Ferdinand (French, 1810-1892) Highly important and prolific bronze founder of furniture mounts and more commonly, bronze sculpture including figures, animals, urns, clocks and candelabra. His signature Varied from hand written capitals to stamp in capitals, usually “F. BARBEDIENNE, FONDEUR” or “BARBEDIENNE PARIS”.
Bergère Tipically an armchair with padded or upholstered back and sides.Known for being very confortable well padded antique armchairs.
Beurdeley, Alfred Emmanuel Louis (French, 1847-191 Work at first with his father in Paris and eventually succeeded him. He kept the shop at rue Louis-Le-Grand and had worked at Nos. 20 – 24 rue Dautancourt. The business continued in its traditional style with very few variations, until it was closed in 1895 and the remaining contents of the company were sold at the Galerie Geroges Petit. Beurdeley exhibited at the 1878 Exhibition.
Bevel The polished edge of a glass or mirror ending in an angle as a decorative frame Bibliotheque: A side cabinet with shelves to store books.
Bisque (Biscuit) Unglazed porcelain or pottery commonly used for Neo-Classical sculptures and decorative items since the middle of the 18th century.
Blackamoors The first blackamoors were created in Venice in the late 17th century. Later, during the mid 1800s, Venetian artists carved some of the most impressive and graceful examples known, much to the delight of wealthy European families whose demand for fine art and furnishings seemed insatiable. Blackamoor figures ranged from monumental, life-size figures serving as torcheres to diminutive table pedestals.
Bohnheur du Jour A lady’s small writing desk or secretary with drawers above a flat writing surface in the form of a flap.
Boulle Decorative type of marquetry in which tortoiseshell, brass, copper and tin were cut and pierced into elaborate floral or curving designs. Originally a 10th century Italian process, Boulle marquety developed in 17th century France and was perfected by Andre-Charles Boulle (1642-1732). Many Boulle style pieces were reproduced during the reign of Napoleon III (1852-1871) utilizing the same techniques and materials as the original pieces by Boulle.
Bronze Dore Gilt-bronze fused by process of firing bronze mixed in with mercury also known as ormolu or mercurial gilding.
Buffet Glazed or paneled meuble d’appui ususally a server with storage compartments, larger and taller than a commode that is commonly used in dining rooms for food display and serving. Most French buffets have marble tops.
Bureau Plat Better know as a flat-top desk with four legs often with trestle supports and three to five drawers.
Bureau a Cylindre A cylinder “Roll-Top-Like” desk.
Cabriole Sinuous, double-curved form used in legs (and feet). The upper portion curving outward and the lower portion curving inward in a gentle S shape. The cabriolé leg is especially characteristic of the Louis XV style.
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Canape A Settee or love seat.
Carrier-Belleuse (1824-1887) An important French sculptor from Paris known for his high quality sculptures, some in silver plated finishes as well as Cloisonné applications amongst others. His pieces are very desirable highly sought after.
Cassolettes A vase, usually gilt-bronze, with a pierced lid for burning perfume pastilles made in France from the 17th century on. Some examples often have a cover which reverses to form a candlestick.
Chaise Chair, dining or side chair.
Chenets Ornamental decorative pieces, usually made out of bronze or iron, which are used to decorate the lower front of the fireplace.
Chiffonnier A tall chest, usually with between six and seven drawers.
Chinoiserie A French word also used by English speakers, for any aspect of Chinese influence on the arts and crafts of Europe, whether produced by Chinese artists, by Europeans, or by others. This term is generally reserved for objects made in the late 17th and throughout the 18th centuries, however the chinoiserie style pieces were very popular in Europe in the late 19 th century through the early 20 th .
Christofle An highly important French Silversmith established in Paris. He often added fine silver and cloisonné works to furniture pieces. Known for high quality work and fine detailed chasing.
Cloisonne A type of decoration overlaid on bronze in which compartments separated by thin strips of metal are filled with powdered glass prior to firing to create a shinny colorful enamel.
Commode A chest of drawers.
Commode a Deux Vantaux Chest with two cupboard doors often below one longer drawer.
Console A side table that is commonly placed against a wall or behind a sofa.
Cruet A cruet is a small bottle used for oils, vinegar and other condiments. Its earliest use was ecclesiastical for wine, oil and water. A few medieval examples exist today. In the late 17th century, cruets were used domestically and were made of glass imported from Italy and adorned with silver or silver-plated mounts
Crystal Fine, high-quality glass containing lead oxide invented in 17th century England. The lead oxide is attributed to providing the glass with extraordinary qualities of brilliance, sound and a suitable texture for cutting or engraving. Some of the finest crystal ever made is from Baccarat in France and St.Louis France.
Cut-Glass Any glass whose surface has been cut into facets, grooves and depressions aided by a large, rotating wheel. Wheel cutting glass decoration was developed in the 8th century BC, but the technique of faceting wasn't perfected until the 18th century in England. Although cutting glass is a costly and difficult process, the brilliant effects are extraordinary!
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Dasson, Henry 106 rue Vieille-du-Temple. (1825-1896) Important furniture maker using the very finest ormolu mounts with high quality mercurial gilding. Specialized in copies of eighteenth century models, manly in the Louis XVI style. Exhibited Louis XV, XVI pieces of his own modified eighteenth century design at the 1878 Paris Exhibition. Dasson closed down his business in 1894.
Demi-Lune A type of crescent-shaped table or commode, commonly placed against the wall. Sometimes referred to as “half moon.”
Durand, Prosper Guillaume The son of a very important 19 th century furniture maker, Louis. He was made 'ebeniste du roi' (Cabinet maker to the King) in 1839 and exhibited at Industrial Products Exhibitions in 1834,1839, and 1844, as well as the Paris Exhibition of 1855.
Ebeniste French term meaning “cabinet maker”.
Ebony The name given to several different woods that are very dark in color, sometimes dark brown or green to black in color.
Ebonized The name given to a wood finish that is black or very dark in color.
Enamel A painted porcelain decoration in vitreous colors that fuse to the glazed surface during low temperature kiln firing. Enamel sinks deeply into soft-paste porcelain but is not absorbed by hard-paste porcelain.
Escalier de Cristal High quality cabinet maker, he established his shop in Mme. Desaraud c.1847 and continued under various names until 1923. His specialty was furniture and objets d’art copied from 18 th century originals. Stamp: Escalier de Crystal.
Escutcheon An ornament plate that surrounds a keyhole.
Faberge Extraordinary jeweled works of art by Peter Carl Faberge, legendary jeweler to the Czars of Russia.
Faience A French term for glazed earthenware such as Quimper.
Fauteuil An open sided armchair.
Galle, Emile (1846-1904) Highly important art-nouveau designer, glassmaker, potter and cabinetmaker, a major influence on the interpretation of plants and foliage forms into art. Galle's design interests reflected the contemporary taste for botany and entomology, and his techniques were innovative and quite productive. In 1874, Galle established his own glass shop in Nancy creating pieces that amazed the public at several Exposition Universelles in Paris. He introduced his glasswares in 1878 and his complex marquetry furniture pieces in 1889. Galle's talent was widely recognized and he was elected to the prestigious Legion d'honneur in 1900.
Gueridon A small or mid-size round occasional side table usually with marble top.
Gilded The decoration of an object with a thin layer of gold, gold leaf or gold foil.
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Gilt-Bronze Cast-Bronze that has been dipped in gold.
Glazed A shiny, glassy surface coating that also seals porous bodies of porcelain and pottery. Glazes can be translucent, opaque or colored. Lead and salt glazes are applied to pottery and soft-paste porcelain, feldspathic glazes to hard-paste porcelain.
Grohe, Guillaume Grohé was of German origin and established his first workshop with his brother Jean-Michel in Paris in 1827. In 1829 they opened an enterprize at 107, rue de Grennelle, which specialized in making and selling furniture and objets d'art of extraordinary quality. The business grew quickly bringing them terrific success and financial rewards. Their work became amongst the best the best and most sought after in Paris in the 19th century. The firm exhibited regularly at a series of International exhibitions, which started in 1851. Perhaps their most celebrated commission was to refurnish the Imperial apartments in the Louvre, for Napoleon III and Princess Eugenie. Queen Victoria and Louis-Philippe also purchased many pieces of furniture from the firm that are currently at Buckingham Palace. A Contemporary commentary bears witness to the popularity the firm enjoyed, "la prépondérance du goût français dans l'ameublement de luxe et les modèles que son beau talent a crées assurent pour longtemps à notre pays cette glorieuse suprematie artistique". Translation: "the preponderance of the French taste in the furnishing of luxury and the models that its beautiful talent create will ensure for a long time our country's glorious artistic supremacy"
Inlay Form of decoration used in furniture and ceramics, inlay is when part of a surface is removed and replaced with a contrasting material. When the inlay is laid in the form of a decorative scene is known as Marquetry., When of inlaid design is shaped in the form of symmetrical patterns it is known as Parquetry.
Jardiniere A plant or flower container, also known as a planter.
KPM Porcelain Plaques Also know as Berlin porcelain are know for their high quality fired porcelain glazed paintings and a very sought after. Wagner is one of the most know KPM porcelain decorators.
Krieger, Antoine A major manufacturer cabinetmaker during the second half of the 19 th century. The company had changes its name several times by 1880, latter becoming Damon et Cie. Exhibited various types of furniture in 1852 and 1855, making copies of 18 th century furniture, also modern interpretations of earlier styles. Some of his piece bear a paper label, others signed with his surname of metal work or hammered in.
Lexcellent, E. Exhibited in 1867. He was a maker and retailer of high quality expensive pieces in all styles. Stamps: ‘Lexcellent Paris” in stencil. Also “Lexcellent, rue Bruguet à Paris (from 1867 on).
Linke, François (1855-1946) Considered the finest French cabinet maker of the late 19th and early 20th century. By 1875, Linke who was born in Pankraz Bohemia, had arrived in Paris and established an independent workshop. His early works were mainly copies of important eighteenth century models. Linke received major attention at the Paris Exposition Universelle when he presented his totally new style, of Rococo with the addition of the new ‘art nouveau’ fluidity. He was awarded the gold medal for his extraordinary Grand Bureau. Linke also exhibited at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, Liege in Belgium, and the Franco-British exhibition in London in 1908. His work has long been admired for its exceptional quality and innovative interpretation of the Louis XV and Art Nouveau styles. Stamp: Engraved signature: “F.Linke”, “FL” , “LINKE”.
Malachite An opaque green mineral with very pronounced and often concentric banding. It's surface is hard enough to be polished and malachite has been used for beads, cabochons, decorative items and pietre dure. The use of Malachite was very common in furniture and decorative pieces in 18 th and 19 th century Imperial Russia.
Meissen Manufacturers of true porcelain whose wares remain unrivaled in terms of innovation and beauty. Meissen is the name of the small town in which alchemist Johann Friedrich Bottger was imprisoned by the King of Saxony where he remained for several years until 1710 when he finally discovered a formula for true (hard-paste) porcelain.
Meuble d’Apui Side cabinet (Often blind fronted) that is usually leaned against the wall, its back unfinished.
Millet, Maison Founded in 1853 by T. Millet and continued doing business until 1918. Known for their fine quality copies of 18th century models. Awarded a gold medal in the 1889 Exposition.
Moreau, Hippolyte Francois (1832-1927) First exhibited his works in 1859. The best of his works were of young woman and charming full figures of children.
Ormolu Derived from French for ground gold, the term refers to gilded bronze or brass mounts. (See gilt-bronze).
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Pate-Sur-Pate A type of 19th century porcelain featuring low-relief designs carved in slip and applied to a contrasting body, usually in foliage designs.
Pietre-Dure An Italian phrase which means "hard stones," pietre dure is often used to describe sculptural or decorative use of hard stones. This technique was used to decorate furniture, cameos, vases and decorative panels.
Plafonier French term to describe a lighting fixture that attaches directly flush to the ceiling.
Polychromed Decoration of furniture or sculpture using three or more bright colors and finishes.
Porcelain Translucent white ceramic body made from kaolin and petuntse (hard-paste) or another ingredient that induces translucency (soft-paste) fired at high temperatures.
Putti or Putto Commonly used to describe decorative motifs of cupids, cherubs or children in furniture, paintings or sculpture.
Relief Decoration that protrudes from the surface.
Rococo A style of mid-18th century decoration, with asymmetric ornament and generous use of scrolls, flowers or acanthus.
Rosewood Prized for its exotic and beautifully figured appearance, rosewood was a favorite among upscale cabinet makers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Unlike more common woods, rosewood is exceptionally dense, rich in color and very receptive to a high polish. Hailing from tropical forests of India and Brazil, rosewood got its name not from its appearance, but from the aroma of the freshly cut trees. Neo-classical furniture makers like Thomas Chippendale preferred rosewood to any other variety for his incredible furnishings. Brazilian rosewood was the preferred choice of 19th-century furniture makers as well. Today, rosewood pieces are highly sought after by antique connoisseurs.
Satinwood Pale in color and silky in appearance, satinwood became increasingly popular in Britain during the 1770s, replacing mahogany as the wood of choice for smaller pieces of furniture. A brilliant yellow wood with a high lustre, stainwood often has a rippled or quilted feature from which its name is derived. Typically, satinwood is used as a veneer and it remained popular in England throughout the late 18th and 19th centuries.
Schmidt, Frederick Although not as well known as some other nineteenth century furniture makers, he produced pieces of furniture of outstanding quality and design. Schmidt received gold medals at both the 1878 and 1889 Paris Expositions Universelles.
Sconce(s) Wall light(s).
Secretary A desk with drawers, doors or cupboard above flat surface.
Serpentine Furniture decoration shaped like an s-curve front and or sides
Serpentine Furniture decoration shaped like an s-curve front and or sides
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Shagreen A leather created from various species of sharks, rays and dogfish, particularly the stingray. This nodule-laden leather was commonly used during the 18th and 19th centuries to add decorative features to items such as jewelry boxes, needle cases, sword handles and opera glasses.
Sormani, Paul (1817-1877) Born in Venice, Paul Sormani set up in Paris in the middle of the 19th century. He specialized in creating furniture and works of art and was known for his high quality reproductions of Louis XV and XVI furniture with finely chased gilt-bronze mounts as well as Boulle style pieces. Sormani usually engraved the lock-plate of some of his pieces, the bronze castings bare the intials "SP" on the reverse.
He exhibited at many Universal Exhibitions, like in Paris in 1855, where he was awarded a first class medal, in London in 1862 where he received another medal and yet again in Paris in 1867.
Everyone agreed that his creations revealed the highest standards of quality; during the 1867 Universal Exhibition the catalog described his work as follows: « Toute sa production révèle une qualité d’exécution de tout première ordre ».
In 1867, he moved to 10. rue Charlot, where he met a great success until his death in 1877. His wife and son took over the business and later moved it to 134, Boulevard Haussmaun. From this date onwards pieces are normally signed “Veuve Sormani et Fils”
Storr, Paul Paul Storr (English, 1771-1844) - The most celebrated and prolific silversmith of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Storr captured the attention of the world's aristocracy particularly the Prince of Wales, the future King George IV. His works graced palaces and mansions all over Europe.
Tahan, Alphonse A major maker of small items of furniture and cabinet maker to Napoleon III. He made a variety of items, using most techniques in common usage, including pieces of cast bronze to simulate bamboo. Stamp: Usually “Tahan, Fournisseur de l’Empereur”, “Tahan Ft.”, Tahan A Paris”. The business was continued by his son, Jean Pierre. Exhibited work in an ornate naturalist style in Paris in 1855.
Tapestry A heavy hand-woven fabric panel, often used as a wall decoration. Aubusson weavers are renowned for their fine tapestries. (See Aubusson)
Tortoiseshell Tortoiseshell are removed from sea tortoises, an endangered specie, it’s import or export is currently regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is limited only to pieces that are antique. Often used as an inlay or a decorative overlay on wood surfaces, tortoiseshell is a mottled, nutty brown or red shell material with a spotted, striped, or sometimes even speckled pattern. (See Boulle)
Trumeau French term for pier-glass. In the Louis XV period it was traditionally decorated with a painted canvas that was set in the frame above the mirror.
Vernis Martin Style In the early 18th century, the Vernis Martin brothers obtained patent for French imitation of oriental lacquer finishes and decorations applied to furniture. Term denotes pictorial lacquer applied in numerous successive coats on pieces of furniture, usually with panels of hand painted and decorated 18 th century romantic and or courting scenes. Vernis Martin Style pieces were reproduced throughout the 19 th and early 20 th century by some of the most prestigious French and Continental cabinet makers like Linke and Sormani.
Viardot, C. A maker of distinctive type of chinoiserie furniture in a personal style but also made traditional reprodiction pieces. Much of his work is in the United States and he may well have had a shop there. He exhibited between 1851 and 1900. Stamp: “C.Viardot”
Vitrine A display cabinet, showcase piece.
Zebrawood An orange to dark brown wood with variegated stripes and a straight, fine grain. Used for high-quality veneers and available only in small quantities.
Zwiener, Joseph Emmanuel Born in Herdon, Germany, in 1849, Joseph Emmanuel Zwiener followed the tradition of some of the best ébnistes of the nineteenth century. He moved to Paris establishing a workshop at 12, rue de la Roquette, between 1880 and 1895. He produced a wide array of the very finest furniture, modelling in his own interpretations of the eighteenth century Louis XV Rococo style, veneered with the highest and finest quality marquetry and 'Vernis Martin' panels. Exhibiting at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, in 1889, Zwiener was awarded a gold medal for what the jury reported as 'dè ses dèbuts à une Exposition Universelle, [il] s'est mi au premier rang par la richesse, la hardinesse, et le fini de ses meubles incrustés de bronze et fort habilment marquetés.'
A Group of furniture by Zwiener commissioned by Freidrich Wilhelm II of Prussia and exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, Paris in 1900, was sold at Sotheby's New York June 29th, 1989, lot 270-275.
Zwiener was closely associated with François Linke, and the two houses produced work which, at first glance, is remarkably similar and with occasionally identical mounts. The similarities are made more likely by the fact that the brilliant sculptor, Léon Messagé, worked initially for Zwiener and subsequently, upon Zwiener's departure for Berlin to work on furniture commissioned by Freidrich Wilhelm II , he was employed in the workshop of François Linke. It appears that Zwiener, unlike Linke, did not sign all his work, although some stamped pieces with his name and/or his "Z" initial are documented. There is some uncertainty between the recorded stamp E. Zwiener and the work of a Julius Zwiener, a Berlin cabinetmaker who made furniture in a very similar style, most notably for the above mentioned Freidrich Wilhelm II. Research suggests however, that the German born Joseph-Emmanuel Zwiener, based in Paris from 1880-1895 and Julius Zwiener, recorded in Berlin after 1895, are probably one and the same. Since the eighteenth century, it had been a common practice for foreign cabinetmakers to gallicise their names whenever they worked in France. His use of identical mounts as Linke, Zwiener's work is indicative of Léon Messagé influence on both.